zy gotes are homos!

Dec 13, 2012 11:09

Exams will probably kill me. My first exam is tomorrow, in biology, which I'm not too worried about. My second exam is on Saturday, early, early in the morning (can you say ew? Ugh). Just nine more days until I go home!

In other news, I spent a good four hours on Monday looking for a gingerbread house kit: I went to six different shops and three bakeries across town, and none of them had one! I might just have to go get one when I get home. )=

Also, going to see The Hobbit on Sunday between exams, yippee! Vair looking forward to it! I've been marathoning LotR as much as one can while studying. I've got Return of the King loaded in another tab roit now....

busy, update, school, death

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