Apr 27, 2009 21:14
I think a diary would be more appropriate then posting stuff on LJ but there is something soothing about knowing that a very select few people will read this, and i don't know about you, but I certainly don't talk about the stuff posted here to others.
so i'm on a diet... not the food kind another kind and because of this diet its gotten me to thinking.
I've analyzed why there is such a need for commitment and vulnerability between people.
Why we are so god damn insecure
and the reasons people act as they do.
I've become and observer to my own and others lives.
I've been watching relationships because i'm contemplating everyones need for one. If you know me I think you would have a hard time picturing me as a married housewife, or at least I sure hope you do. It's something that I have never ever dreamed of and in fact makes me physically ill to think of. It's simply not my thing. Same as how I'll never have kids or own a house in he suburbs... hopefully someone will put me out of my misery should this happen. Now i'm sure you're all thinking " well.. you say this now... but you never know" and this is true, however should I remain more or less the same person I am now, and i have no intentions of changing, then the horrors of the housewife life will hopefully never fall on me. ( i do not judge anyone who chooses this life, it's simply not me)
From the mouth of my closest friend " you'll never be married but will have a series of live-in boyfriends... and they will be hot" I think that about sums it up ha ha
I remember watching sex and the city and wondering which character I could be. I went through a faze of feeling like charlotte because I was a goody goody to carrie because of the clothing obsession( it literally looks like my closet threw up.. ask my roommate it's a running joke) miranda because i can be slightly intimidating career wise and have currently landed on Samantha. I used to think that to be Sam would be a shameful thing, but ask many many older women ( or at least the ones i've talked to) and they have all said that they valued their freedom and would actually very much like the chance to be like Samantha. She's often seen as a whore, or a girl that gets around, by women who are "happily" married but I can understand where she is coming from. My fav moment in the SATC movie was when she broke up with her highly attractive boyfriend to live her own life. It was like telling the world that you can live your life without the boy and be fine on your own. there is no shame
This rant I think stems from the girls who constantly ask me " why don't you have a boyfriend" "why did you end it with that guy, he was great?" or the ever classic "so it just ended?..... why didn't you guys keep going out?"
people people people... i'm not a freak... i'm just not ready to be a sheep in the flock of marriage or even hard core relationships. And i'm damn proud of it. I have my whole life to do this! Literal decades ahead of me where I may very well be in a serious relationship. Why should we all feel the pressure to commit ourselves to one person? I'm not saying it's wrong to do this, I'm simply saying it's okay to not, but it is wrong to shame someone for not picking your lifestyle.
So to sum up, people in relationships, CONGRATS enjoy blah blah blah but please don't pass judgement on me because you hated being single and therefore assume I hate it too. I like my freedom thank you very much, and am sure I will love love when it comes to me, but i'm happy not looking for it now.
Yay i really needed to get that off my chest