So I have some news... But before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell my parents. It isn't anything bad. I will explain in a minute why I don't want them to know. But if you can't make this commitment then stop reading this entry. NOW!
So the news is.... I got a part in Vagina Monologues! I think that I will be too nervous if the rents are in the audience so I'm not going to tell them about it until after the performance. I am reading the monologue about seeing a birth. I am also reading a part of the introduction. It will be on Friday, Feb. 25. If you feel the need to come and see it, let me know and I will get you more info about time and cost and transportation. We are doing this performance free of royalty charges because we are doing it as a part of the Vday college campain. All our profits will go to an organization that serves women survivors of violence. So this should be a crazy couple of weeks with rehearsals and publicity and such. If you want more info on The Vagina Monologues and the college Vday campaign check out
So that's it for today! I hope that everyone has a good time if they are going to some sort of Superbowl get together. I am going to the party that Student Government is hosting in the Student Center. I should be fun. And I promise to go out with someone and celebrate in the streets. And then I will report what all the other stupid college kids did. That is a promise.
I'm outie.
So I just cleaned my side of the room and have come to the decision that, although I hate cleaning, someone should bottle the feeling that you get when you are done and market it as an antidepressant! HEHE! Well anyway I am going to eat some healthy stuff before I go and ruin my diet at the party.
That's it for now!