Long Time, No Julie

Sep 14, 2005 17:30

Okay so I have not posted in a long, long time. I am going to leave all the blame on my brother because he took all my computer time. Yeah let's go with that story.

So here I am back in the Big Bean. Classes have started and I already have a shitload of work. It took me 2 hours to do the reading for just one of my classes (granted I fell asleep in the middle but it still took me 2 hours for the actual reading). But I seem to be coping. And I think that I am doing better then usual because my usual way of coping with lots of work is to ignore it. But so far so good.

Well enough of that I'm sure that you are wondering, has she gotten drunk yet? The answer is yes. Saturday night my friend Dan was celebrating his completion of the MTEL (for those of you that don't know the MTEL is the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure... The SAT of the education world) and lets just say that there was a lot of vodka involved. I had probably the equivilent of 4 shots in various drinks but I felt myself getting out of control and drank to bottles of water and was sober by the time I went to bed. So Julie has still yet to experience a hangover. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. My roomie's thinking is that it is bad because I think that I can drink whatever I want and not feel the ill effects. She is probably right. So next time no water and advil before I go to bed. Yeah like that is going to happen.

Oh so guess what I found out when I got to school? There is a RA position open and no one told me, the alternate RA. So I re-interviewed and if I don't get the position then I am going to raise a stink. Juast one little phone call and I would have come early for training and there wouldn't have been a problem. Be the old Director of Residence Life failed to inform the new Director of Res Life that there was in fact a alternate RA if one of the RA should drop out at the last minute. Whatever. I'm not bitter or anything.

Oh and one final thing. If one of the Tardifs could tell me which day that you'll be here for Spamalot, I want to see if I can get tickets for the same day.

Well I got a meeting to go to so TTFN.

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