Nov 02, 2006 19:04
I am about to bomb my math mid-term. How do I know I'll bomb? I haven't been to the last three classes. Granted....I could still pass since Tuesdays class was a review class. But thats two classes I missed.
What did I miss? The wonderful world of graphing(I'm assuming. thats the last thing we were working on before I started skipping classes)
I also forgot my mathbook. Which I don't think we'll need but still...not a good thing to forget just in case I felt like studying before class. Which I don't. I accept my bad grade and all i can hope for is that I don't fail so bad and do really good on the final. tra la la la *bad student*
On another subject, I am so zonked outta my brain because of this cold. I get drowsy, and dizzy and listless and snotty and coughy and sneezy. Then I pop an Advil Cold and Sinus and I'm still snotty and coughy and sneezy but I'm also running on a super speed high. Which is probably why I'm okay with failing. I'm too damned hopped up on goofballs to care.
Speaking of which, my ddad told me that when he went to buy the pills for me he had to take a card and take it up to the pharmacist's window. Apparnetly Meth users are buying medicine and melting it down to use in their labs.
Why bother with that trouble! just take the fucking medicine!
All of this is overlying the fact that I can't tell if Hiro is in New York, New York or just keeps talking about a New York art exhibit. Damned homo.