My whacky adventures in the land of........hottie asian boys *wink*

Jan 30, 2006 14:58

We started out in Asakusa, where we promptly found out....that JAPAN IS FUCKING COLD!But I still loved Asakusa anyway. Here's a lovely picture of me looking into the water(only I wasn't looking at anything really). Lookit that big ol' ass o'mine XD
Asakusa also started a new fad of mine. Which is to take pictures of whacky signs. Only in the end I took only three pictures. But here's the first one. No smoking on the train
Next was Elmo's Warning I really should have listened, because thats exactly how I lost the Omiyage bag >_<
Then for Amy I toooook a Kingdom Hearts 2 Poster
Then we went to Kaminarimon. Only we originally went in the middle of the night when there was NOBODY THERE! It was eerily beautiful.
Then we ended up in Shinjuku looking for a Manga Kissaten. Shinjuku will forever be in my mind..."Home of the Giant Animals"
Including the Shinjuku Panda and the Shinjuku Crab
Actually...there's lots of Giant animal signs all over japan. Namba had millions of any rate..
We then went to Shibuya. Shibuya is famous for being a popular place for the trendy youngin's to hang out. I have bad memories of Shibuya. First off Its hella crowded, second it rained there and I had to throw away my old shoes and buy new ones >_<, and lastly...the last offense Shibuya could have given me was... DOGS FOR PEACE WAS CLOSED!!!! DAICHAN YOU BASTARD!
After that we headed to Osaka. YAAAY OSAKA!
We met up with our Kanadajin friend Stacy =D Where I once again...lost an item on the train. I lost my badass Ando Daisuke-wannabe jacket ;_;
But that was okay. Cause then when we made it to Namba we ran into Achan, Bchan and Cchan.
They cat-called us, and we cat-called back. Then we went to Karaoke where we promptly.... Got drunk!
I was so drunk I forgot to take a picture of Achan, but he was definitely cute ^_^
They ended up staying at the same manga kissaten we went to. Achan ran into Rachel and said "I'm going to take a shower because I feel dirty. But I don't have a towel. So I'm going to buy one. And a toothbrush. Then I'm going to have a 'nice shower'(he said that in english"
And rachel just nodded and said " go have a 'nice shower'".
This has led me to believe that Japanese men have no inner monolouge.
Later during our stay, before we went to Chesha's we went to Namba again and went to the Takanori Cafe. I dunno what it's actually called but this is where TMRevolution's Takanori Nishikawa used to eat all the time when he was poor and weighed five pounds.
And it's a really great place to eat!! It's hella cheap and the serving sizes are HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!! Plus, the beer isn't too pricy either!
So good choice Turbo. Good choice.
Most of my Osaka pictures are in Namba XD Here's a Hard Gay cosplayer I only wanted his picture cause he had a kitty XD
So, later in Osaka we met up with Stacy again and she talked us into playing Pachinko. Rachel won THREE HUNDRED BUCKS!!! off of ten! I kind of hated her.
Then as we were heading home(we had to go to Sunday Mass the next morning) we ran across A LIVE BAND!!! plus there was a hotty artist across the way who I feel stupid for not getting a picture of him. He was GORGEOUS! Plus he drew a lovely picture of hide!
Then inside of Namba station, a section of it has entire wall covered in BIZARRE paintings. My favorite was UNUSUALLY HAPPY MAN!! People laughed cause I just started cackling at him then did his pose. Oh unusually happy man. I love you.
Then...I forget where these statues were....but Manekineko statues =B
Then we went to Kyoto for a Chesha Field Trip ^_^ We first went to the impreial palace. I took lots of pictures of that but I didn't really feel like posting them =B
Instead here's a picture of rachel, me and our ADORABLE tour guide.
Then later that day we went to Kyomizu, where I bought a bitchin' Shinsengumi cup. It's got all the troupe leaders names on it and the president and such names. ^_^;; at the very end is Harada Sanosuke.
Actually..I bought a crap load of shinsengumi stuff.
Domokun Shinsengumi pen, Doraemon Shinsengumi pen, my shinsengumi cup, three keychains of Kondo, Hijikata and Okita.

=B Pureeze enjoy. Feel free to laugh at how unphotogenic I am.

japan, photos

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