Mar 05, 2006 10:35
Joey Erg: what happened?
oneturnoutoftune: i walked him to his car to help him tape some cardboard in his window, and when i was walking back home, these girls were yellin' my name, so i turned around becuase i thought maybe they wanted to punch me and i was going to let them, BUT the one was like "oh my god i knew it was you you walk the same way you did in HIGH SCHOOL"
oneturnoutoftune: so iiiiii said, "hey, what the fuck are you talking about?" but it wasn't for me to know.
oneturnoutoftune: but i know if mike drove me home, it wouldn't have happened.
Joey Erg: hahaha
Joey Erg: that does sound bad
oneturnoutoftune: do i walk weird?
Joey Erg: no
oneturnoutoftune: weirdly*
Joey Erg: everyone girls especially have their own walk
oneturnoutoftune: maybe mine is really weird, though.
Joey Erg: it's not a bad thing
Joey Erg: nah, probably distinct
oneturnoutoftune: i probably cartwheel.
Joey Erg: I think I know what they mean
Joey Erg: you do have a distinct walk
oneturnoutoftune: because i cartwheel everywhere.
oneturnoutoftune: or crabwalk.
oneturnoutoftune: you're right. it is weird.
oneturnoutoftune: ew.
oneturnoutoftune: i hope they dont have scabies.
xkickurfacex: she also wants you to kow that she feels like an idiot for having done it
oneturnoutoftune: well, her punishment will be not knowing right away if she has scabies or not, but i consider her absolved.
xkickurfacex: shes not happy with that resposne
xkickurfacex: she says she consders herself a retard
oneturnoutoftune: i'm not psyched on parasites, either, dude.