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Jul 08, 2002 13:28

Quote of the Day: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Countdown Till My 21st Birthday: 58 Days

Well, I'm definetly Jack today. I have my usual 60 million hours of class and the stupid goons at Target scheduled me to work on Monday again (even though I've told them twice that I can't work on Mondays) and since I bailed out last Monday, one of the sups asked me to please come in whenever I could. So, me being the nice person I am, said yes. Which was a mistake cuz I still haven't finished my lesson plan for the juvies tomorrow and I've been in class all freakin' day (with more to go). Needless to say I'm not a very happy camper right now.
I must say I've been doing very well on keeping up with this thing. July 4th was pretty uneventful. I actually wrote a whole entry on it, but got distracted, forgot about it and then had to restart my computer. So this will be more of an abbreviated version. I had to work most of the day, got off around 6pm and went to Chris' golf course for a pool party. He was already pretty drunk, so we just hung out there and drank and I met some people he works with and stuff. After it was over, he was hungry and wanted to get food, but he was wasted and I didnt want him driving. I should not have been driving either, but I was the lesser of two evils I suppose. We finished eating and I took him back to his car and he speeds off home and I dont know where I am (cuz his golf course is in the middle of nowhere) or where to go. I'm drunk and being stupid and irrational, so this pisses me off to no end. I call him and I'm like "thanks for speeding off and now I dont know where I am, blah blah blah." Right as he's about to tell me to pull over and he'll come and get me, I hang up on him. Now, earlier in the week, we had a conversation about that cuz my old boyfriends and I used to do it everytime we fought and it drove me insane. But of course, stupid me goes and does it. He calls me back to confirm that I did which I probably could have covered up, but I wanted him to know. As you can imagine, his response is to then hang up on me. So now I'm drunk, livid, lost, and freaking out cuz I know he's really pissed at me. I pass a landmark that's close to his house so I make my way over there because I feel like I need to get off the road.
I got there before he did and waited outside for him. He comes upstairs and he is furious. This is the maddest I've ever seen him. He tells me I cannot come inside and to go home, and I told him I did not want to be driving. He lets me in and tells me I have to sleep on the couch and I'm apologizing profusely since I was clearly wrong and being stupid. He has no response to anything I'm saying cuz he's so pissed. He goes to bed mad, which drives me insane. I had the worst night, I didnt sleep a wink (I did sleep in the bed, for the record...nobody makes Stephanie sleep on a couch). The next morning he holds his position with still being angry so I trudge on home cuz I was planning on driving to Tampa for an eye appt. I was tired, and I had a project to finish and I just didnt feel like driving all that in one day. So I call my Mom and she agrees.
I go off to run some errands and Chris calls me from his cell phone which is odd cuz he was at work. Well, he got fired (he wasnt mad at me anymore...hehe). There's a bunch of shit that led up to this that I don't have the time, energy or desire to explain, but it basically boils down to the fact that this idiot doesnt like Chris and was looking for some sort of excuse to get rid of him. He didnt actually do anything wrong. We dont know who's going to run the place now since they're getting rid of everyone who knows how to do anything. But anyway, his parents had just gotten to town to we finished up our shit and met to drive to see them.
As I may or may not have told you, his parents are both retired so they sold their house, bought an RV and now they're traveling the country. Pretty neat, huh? They are from SoFla, so they just started their trip about 2 weeks ago. Now they're here for a few days. They are awesome. I had already heard from everyone how cool they are and I was excited (maybe a little nervous) to find out for myself. We chilled at the RV for a bit and then went to this cute little restaurant for dinner. It was really nice. They were really friendly and we talked a lot. We went back to Chris' and they took his parents' old TV upstairs (38" flat screen....NICE) and then left. Chris and I rented a movie and layed around like lazy old people.
I had to work the next day and Chris and his Dad were playing golf, and his Mom was cleaning and stuff. I got off work early and ran some errands then we grilled steaks and scallops and had baked potatos...it was good stuff. I have a lot of fun with them, we're like a little family. They left and we went to Sidebar with some of his friends. I have to say thats one of the best times I've ever had with him. He was being so cute the whole time and we were just talking and saying cute things to each other and he's once again so generous with me and buys me drinks without me even having to ask. Apparently there was some guy staring at me, which I didnt notice, and kind of giving Chris dirty looks or something, I dunno. Anyway, at the end when we were inside, this guy was looking straight at my ass and just would not take his eyes off me (big surprise...hehe). I went to give Chris a hug and the kid gave him a dirty look or something. So Chris doesnt stop talking about it the rest of the night. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen, how protective he got. I love it. Alright, Nicole is making me leave cuz we have to get to class. Yesterday me and his family went to KFC and then chilled a bit, I studied, then bed, now you're updated. And Su's coming back this WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! Okie dokie, peace out.
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