Jun 08, 2011 19:29

[Action 852 Goldberg Street, morning A]
[It was morning and Wilhelmina could not remember going to bed, let alone how she ended up in this strange room. Before she could really take in the room and her surroundings her reflexes kicked in. There was someone next to her in the bed and they were of an unfamiliar size. She didn't bother checking who it was as it was obviously not Shana and thus a potential threat. Without hesitating she went into action but her ribbons didn't come. For some reason she was unable to call them. If she thought a little more it felts as if she were strictly human again. It was a concerning thought.

Nothing about this stopped her, if anything it slowed her down a few seconds. Without her ribbons to use she moved into action and ripped off the covers as she drew in her legs turning rapidly and went into a hard kick to the side of the man next to her.]

[Action 852 Goldberg Street B]
[She was trying to digest the full situation she had landed in, but it was hard. Her first impulse was to consult Tiamat but that was currently impossible. She considered her options while she looked around the house. She stopped in the living room at the mantle to look at the photographs of the family, she recognized herself, the man she had woken up with another girl, and then Shana. That girl she had picked up.]

Red Eyed Flame Haired Hunter....

[According to this set up she was the "mother" of the family. She was the mother.... she was that girls mother.....

It was hard to say how long she stood there looking at the picture, but it was quite a while.]

[Action around town C]
[The house needed to be cleaned and she was lacking her supplies. She would not allow that house to continue as it was so she headed off to the store to purchase cleaning supplies. Things would have to change.

Despite the limited clothes she had access to she had managed to give herself a maid look yet again. So down the streets of Mayfield walks a rather serious looking maid on her way to the store with a mission.]

What and where is this place. I wish to know what is happening before I continue on. From what I understand there are many other people who are trapped here and I would like to hear from you if you could.

Thank you.

(OOC: I hope it's okay I took some liberties in her waking up.)

cleaning, waking up, maid, quick to react

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