Girls: Remember this?

Feb 22, 2006 13:34

Yes......My friends and I have made a list of all the qualities that (to us) make the perfect guy. Read, enjoy, fwd to all your friends (and boyfriends. Maybe they'll get some hints...), and feel free to add to the list.
(all items added by guyz are starred ~*~)

**The Perfect Guy**

1) He respects me.
2) He TRULY cares about me.
3) He is willing to sacrifice things for me (not give up sports or friends, but not cancel plans with me to watch tv either).
4) He makes the first move and isn't too prude, but still respects the word "no".
5) He is fun to hang out with and be around.
6) He doesn't expect me to ditch my friends for him.
7) He is always open and honest with me.
8) He shows that he cares about me.
9) He tells me that he cares about me.
10) He is unpredicatable and spontanious.
11) He hugs me, cuddles me, holds me in his arms, and kisses me.
12) He knows that cheating is a MAJOR no-no. No other girl is worth cheating on me for, and he knows that if he does cheat, I will find out and will leave him.
13) He doesn't pressure me into telling him that I love him; He knows that just because I don't say those three words doesn't mean I don't care deeply for him.
14) He isn't afraid to tell me how he feels--whether it's good or bad.
15) He's easy to talk to.
16) I can trust him with anything. He would never tell my secrets to ANYONE.
17) He's a good listener and gives me advice.
18) He knows that his flaws are part of the reason that I care about him, and that obsessing over them just annoys me.
19) He knows better than to make unnecessary comments, such as: "You seem mad. Are you PMSing?".
20) He is always there for me; He is my shoulder to cry on.
21) He is polite to my parents.
22) He doesn't make promises he can't keep.
23) He, under NO circumstances, would EVER lie to me.
24) He understands that sometimes I need my space, and that just because I don't want to hang out as much doesn't mean I want to break up. It's just a mood swing.
25) He also understands that sometimes i need a lot LESS space; That sometimes I feel neglected and ignored and need to feel wanted and needed. It's just another mood swing.
26) He understands that girls have mood swings.
27) He won't ditch his friends for me.
28) He cares about his apperance, but knows that I care about him for who is, not what he looks like. (although good lookin guys are always a plus)
29) When we are with his friends, he doesn't ignore me. He still shows his love for me. Not by making out with me, but by putting his arm around me, and making it known that he's glad I'm there.
30) He is patient with me. He knows that its hard for me to be open all the time, and I have my reasons for not just shouting out something that is bothering me.

well then.....

Galz: Send this to all those guys you wish would get a clue, and might as well send it to your friends while you're at it so they can do the same. Like I said, feel free to add to the list.

Guyz: Hope it helped. Just so you know, WE DON'T EXPECT YOU TO BE PERFECT, but we DO expect you to at least try. I guess, if you must, you can add to the list too, but star (*) the ones you add.

love to all,
~clairy-jane~and~mo' mo' da lhil (jenny)
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