Feb 24, 2006 02:57
there are some people in this world that thrive on drama... in fact i used to be surounded by those people....you know the ones that never have a dull moment because someone is always hating or loving a different someone else? I love that now my intrest in drama is more of a morbid curiousity. To me it is laughable that people still find it prudent to let that kind of bullshit run thier lives. I mean I feel like we passed this era a while ago, remember that whole I dunno..... high school thing? the times where people just talked constent trash and chose sides and all that bullshit....ITS OVER....figure it out! Otherwise you are doomed to a life of constantly turning good things bad just so you can have ineteresting things going on in your life. And I garuntee that the people that are attracted to that sort of an environment are not the sort that you want to be around...I am so happy that for once in my life I realize how amazing it is to not have that drama and I find it amusing that people would actually try and drag me back into that whole mindset. Good luck figuring shit out.