I figured this was as good a place as any...

Sep 13, 2006 16:49

This is me making what I hope will not turn into a lie. My body is screaming at me, as I'm sure people on my flist are really tired of hearing. :) It's just brought home to me again what my doctor told me five years ago after having three discs fused together. That if I didn't take some weight off, the surgery was ultimately not going to do any good. And he was right.

Over the last seven years, I've put on 30 lbs. from my ideal weight. And now that I'm creeping up on 50, it's become nigh impossible to take off. No, I take that back. I have no IDEA how to take it off. I exercise, I try so hard to eat less or the right things and the scales aren't budging. I take thyroid meds for my hypothyroid and last time it was tested in January everything was fine, so I don't think its that.

But, today it hit me I'm just going to have to do something and if it means drastic measures, at least for a short time, to get things jumpstarted, I will do that.

I'm not really asking for advice, although it certainly wouldn't be refused *g*. I just wanted to throw this out here and be honest with myself and this small part of my world that feels like the place for me to be.

There are so many things I know I should be remembering, but sometimes its just all quite overwhelming and so for now, I'm just going to work on eating the right things. Then we'll go to portion control. I don't know. *hands*

weight, tips

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