welp i'm back from newpaltz and it was a good
time besides the fact that my bones are aching
and i'm still really sleepy.
Gabby,Matt,Leeann and I got there friday night
and hung out with this girl Jenn and then this
girl Brittney. Saw some fatties get rolled..haha..then
went to sleep on Jenns concrete floor and froze our
asses off the whole night.
Saturday morning we woke up and Matt took us to this
waterfall which was really pretty, then we got some food
at taco shack which was satisfying enough.We left around
4 and got lost in new jersey for a bit then made it home
around 8 or so.
New Paltz is ruled out though cause the town is just
boring and everyone is too high to know what's going on.
Too shady of a place for me.
this week is shopping with gabby and monsters inc. on
ice on friday<3