Aug 05, 2005 01:42
i'm going to make one of those list of facts things like claire. i don't normally "follow the crowd" so to speak, but i just have some thoughts that i'd like to get out, even if you don't care. but i'm not going to do it right now because i don't feel like going deep into my mind at the moment. so i will do it at another time.
i made s'mores before. i must say, few things are more satifying than a burning marshmallow on the end of a stick. however, my kitchen doesn't usually have sticks in it. so i used the most stick-like object my kitchen has- a butter knife. it did the job just fine. also, my kitchen doesn't have a campfire so i toasted (er, burned really) my marshmallow on the burner of the stove. it's one of the benefits of having a gas stove rather than electric.
the wayne county fair starts tomorrow. well, i guess since it's 2am it technically is tomorrow. but anyway, our cousins have a burger stand there, and it's been in the family for generations. my sister has been working at it for the past few years, and she came in from portland specifically to work there. it may seem foolish, but it is tradition. i too have been offered a job at the fair, but i declined because of my lack of people skills and poor short-term memory. seriously, if someone gave me an order i would forget it immediately or forget who ordered it. but anyway, it's good to have kate home, even though she's staying at my grandpa's house in honesdale. we go over there all the time, though. and this year i'm indirectly employed at the fair. you see, we have this family recipe for chocolate cake, and i am an avid baker. so we thought it would be cool to sell slices of chocolate cake at the stand. so if it goes to plan, i will be doing quite a bit of baking and hopefully making a little cash.
well i feel awesome right now. i'm listening to the radio as usual, and i occasionally start singing along. well, "rockin' in the free world" by neil young came on and it escalated from just sining along. i was doing some major air guitaring and at one point i nearly stabbed myself in the eye with the marker i was using as a microphone. it was so 80s but it was awesome. i was rocking like a canadian. ha. i want to make 'rocking like a canadian' a real phrase that people would use. that would be awesome.
so, i think i'm going to end this now. i got most of my random thoughts out so i should be good for the night. i shall proceed to rock like a canadian if another canadian-worthy song comes on.