An unintentional home invasion

Jul 23, 2013 15:12

I accidentally snuck into someone's home today. I have no idea who they are. How's that for privilege we don't think about when it comes to housing? Having no more secure place to live than a rusted train on public or semi-public land, strangers can stumble right in all day, friendly or otherwise.

I have no idea who they are because no one was in their metal box of a home in the middle of this hot summer day. I left almost immediately out of respect and embarrassment for the intrusion. Yet I still couldn't just leave it unrecorded, Pride flag in the window, dumpster-dived furnishings and all. Here's a statistic for you: 40% of homeless youth are LGBT, and most of those have lost their homes due to lack of family support, which all too often means being directly thrown out. So do a favor for my guilty conscience this week, and give time, money, love, hugs, a meal, respect to somebody who doesn't get enough just for how they're born?

urbex, arting, queer, photo, things that are not okay

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