Aug 15, 2011 19:02
'Sup guys <3
Okay so *deep breath* I am officially leaving for college on friday! It's scary D: But exciting! And also means that I have so much to do these last few days XD;; Packing, racing to the store for last minute purchases, checking and rechecking my checklist, getting the bugs in my itunes worked out, visiting friends and family...yeah it's a lot XD;;
That being said, my online time might get cut a little short >: I'm about to leave for a karate class (fitting in all those I can these last few days) and then I'm possibly spending the night at my friend's. We'll see :'3 and then the whole list of things to do tomorrow, including finding my college mailing address. Fun stuff!
Anyways, so there's that and then orientation is Saturday through Wednesday, and classes start Thursday >< My schedule is going to be preeeeetty crazy and I have no idea how that's going to go ><
I'm sorry guys ;___; I love you all and hopefully I can get on line reliably soon <33333