Nov 06, 2010 19:10
So I am now a second degree senior blackbelt in the art of taijutsu :D awesome stuff, right? Just ignore the ankle swelled to the size of a baseball plzkthnks.
Yeah, it was pretty awesome XD; We went out for our first routine and NOT FIVE SECOND INTO IT I landed wrong on my ankle and it swelled up like a balloon. IT WAS SUCH A SIMPLE THING TOO. Joe was just putting me down from lifting me up so that I could kick Amber back and then BAM I was like on the ground. But I finished! and I now have a pretty new gold-adorned black belt to show for it~
Pictures shall be forthcoming! At the moment I am full of advil, have my ankle propped up to head-level on pillows, and so much ice on it it hurts but feels soooo good.