waiting to see if I get a black eye....

May 30, 2018 19:59

 So... had a bit of a wildlife encounter this morning.

I was walking the dogs on the trail that I routinely take them for their morning walk.  It's near a pond, it's quiet.  We don't usually run into any one.  So perfect for my two high anxiety monsters.  no people. no cars, no other dogs.  They usually ignore the geese and ducks we run into without major issues.

This morning however.... we walked as far as we were going to walk and then turned around and headed back to my vehicle.  Unfortunately... in the middle of the path was a BIG snapping turtle just motoring along minding his own business - WALKING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH!  I couldn't go out and off the path because the grass hasn't been cut and it's over knee high in this and  it's been raining so could be all wet under there and  Plus TICKS!  ick!

So - I was walking with my TWO , 0ne hundred pound dogs.  and they want to Check out the TURTLE.  And momma says NO!  yeah - So I get a good grip on the leashes and I set out to get them past the turtle as fast as possible.  Unfortunately they were not happy with the turtle being behind us and not getting to investigate it.  So they got me tangled up in the leashes and I went down.

Face first into the gravel path.  I broke my prescription sunglasses.  Bruised and scraped my shoulder, my knee and my hand.  My cheek is scraped but I'm still waiting to see if it is going to bruise or not.  I hurt.  all over.

Awesome.  just awesome.

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