May 03, 2005 12:46
real kiss: um....
break-up: Jason, but we only dated for 3 weeks
screen name: Kgodfrey17
self purchased album: The Phantom of The Opera and les Miserable, Original cast
pets: Chessie and Frankie (Chestnut and francesca)
piercing/tattoo: I dont like needles
credit card: oh Visa, you sweet temptres you...
true love: dance
enemy: There's a list
car ride: To get my eyes tested for glasses about an hour ago
good cry: Two days ago
library book checked out: I still have it two years later
movie seen: Fever Pitch
beverage drank: Iced venti, two shot, 7 pump vanilla Latte from Starbucks
food consumed: Cheese Danish
phone call: Sean
shoes worn: Addidas, sooooooo cute
item bought: see beverage drank
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
who is your crush? every cute boy ever.... :)
do you do drugs? No!
do you drink? Yes
what kind of shampoo do you use? head and shoulders
what are you most scared of? failure
what are you listening to right now? The West Wing on TV
where do you want to get married? well right now i can choose between canada and Mass. so ill take marthas vineyard
how many buddies are online right now? 6/31
what would you change about yourself? long do you have
color: blue
food: THAI
flower: Sunflower
boys' names: Shawn, Christopher (Topher),Grant
girls' names: Sarah, Gwendolynn
subjects in school: math, dance, literature
animals: Dogs
sports: HA!
given anyone a bath? a baby yes, an adult no
bungee jumped? No
made yourself throw up? when I had the flu and had been nauseaus for like 10 hours
skinny dipped? Yes
been in love? not no
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Parking and transportation services, junior year, after having my car booted
pictured your crush naked? Duh
actually seen your crush naked? No
cried when someone died? Grandpa
lied? Yes
fallen for your best friend? twice....once it went horribly wrong and spiraled into a year of depression, the other time, i stopped it before it got bad and we are still freinds
been rejected? god yes
rejected someone? Yes
used someone? No
done something you regret? no regrets, only life lessons
clothes: shorts and an AE t-shirt
annoyance: cats in parents house and that bitchy gay couple on showdog moms and dads
smell: house
artist: whaaaa?
dvd in player: Mean Girls....tee hee
color of toenails: none
you touched: Ryan when i tickled the shit out of him last night
hugged: Mom this morning
you im'd: Trevor till after 3 am last night
understanding: yeah
open-minded: yes
arrogant: I try not to be
insecure: of course
interesting: I think so
hungry: now that you mention it I am a bit peckish
smart: yeah.....guess this changes the answer for arrogant
hardworking: yeah
organized: god no
healthy: yeah
shy: only with other gays
attractive: ive got a cute smile and nice eyes
bored easily: oh yeah
responsible: yeah
obsessive: i dont think so, but then people who are obsessive usually dont realize it
angry: not right now
sad: not right now
disappointed: in america
happy: very
hyper: well i have had coffee today
trusting: with my freinds
legal: for 5 years now
vodka or rum: VODKA is so my freind
weed or cigarettes: niether
blonde or brunette? brown and sometimes black
in the morning i am: tired
all I need is: love
love is: pain
last person you danced with: Alicia and her church friend Nikki at the gay bar Sat night
who just makes you happy: My friends
who makes you laugh: My freinds
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them? hehehehe
who has a crush on you: probably noone....or with my luck so weird, psychotic homeless guy with a full beard
of times i have had my heart broken: 2
of hearts i have broken: I like to think 0
of girls i've kissed: none
of continents i have lived in: 1
of states I have lived in: 2
of cities I have lived in: 4
of cds i own: lets just say a firggin lot