Home Truths

May 03, 2016 14:23

I'm continuing the editing and Horse Camp sale, and the Patreon page for new fiction is ongoing--many thanks to those who have joined the adventure so far ( Read more... )

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morgan_dhu May 4 2016, 22:08:52 UTC
There is not much I can manage financially (I'm heading over to Book View Cafe later today to see if any more of your backlist is available) but I do have at least half a dozen reviews of your books on my book journal - I'll put them up on Amazon and Goodreads as soon as possible.

I hope you get a good response to this. Good luck vibes from a long-time fan.


dancinghorse May 4 2016, 22:12:35 UTC
That would be fantastic, thank you! Reviews trigger the algorithms which trigger the recommendations, so they really help sales.


morgan_dhu May 4 2016, 22:34:30 UTC
Then I think it's time to start a serious reread of all your backlist that I have on hand - that will give me more reviews to post. :)


dancinghorse May 6 2016, 17:40:58 UTC
Thank you! And Enjoy!


loligo May 4 2016, 23:30:44 UTC
Speaking of algorithms, are there any particular books you would like people to focus on when it comes to Kindle downloads? Lots of people buying one or two books should probably produce a bigger visibility boost than if those sales were distributed across your entire catalog.


dancinghorse May 6 2016, 17:43:06 UTC
My first novel, The Isle of Glass, seems to be getting the most traction right now. Horse people are going for A Wind in Cairo or the story collection, Nine White Horses. And Forgotten Suns, the space opera, has a fair number of sales as well.

Thanks for pointing this out!


loligo May 6 2016, 20:21:06 UTC
Excellent! I already wanted to get Forgotten Suns and I will happily add Isle of Glass.


glaurung_quena May 5 2016, 00:20:27 UTC
And, we've now purchased all the books by you that we didn't already have on BVC and on Kobo.


dancinghorse May 6 2016, 17:41:30 UTC
Thank you so much! That helps tremendously. And you get cool stuff to read! Win!


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