Going for the Jugular

Jun 26, 2008 16:48

I detest Senator McCain. The chance of me voting for him in November is someonewhere between "slim" and "none". But I'm willing to give credit where credit is due. His announcement about Heller is a beautiful shot at Senator ObamaUnlike Senator Obama, who refused to join me in signing a bipartisan amicus brief, I was pleased to express my support and call for the ruling issued today. Today's ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller makes clear that other municipalities like Chicago that have banned handguns have infringed on the constitutional rights of Americans. Unlike the elitist view that believes Americans cling to guns out of bitterness, today's ruling recognizes that gun ownership is an important right- sacred, just as the right to free speech and assembly.(Boldface mine)
Now that's "bringing a gun to a gun fight." :-)

guns, politics

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