Does Pelosi hate Obama?

Oct 20, 2008 00:22

This is the second stupidest thing a politician said this weekendWe caught up with Speaker Nancy Pelosi at Georgetown's Café Milano Friday night and she didn't pull any punches.

"100% Barack Obama is going to win!" she told Yeas & Nays. "He's going to be our next president and a great president at that. We're all excited to work with him."
Perhaps she and Gavin Newsome will be getting together after the election and discussing why it's a bad idea to tell the voters that they don't matter.

However, that still leaves us with the stupidest thing a politician said this weekend. That honor, surprise, surprise, goes to Joe Biden"Undecided people are having a difficult time just culturally making the change, making the move for the first African American president in the history of the United States of America," the Democratic vice-presidential nominee said at a San Francisco fundraiser Saturday evening.
What is it about the Obama-Biden campaign and San Francisco fundraisers?

I don't know what Biden thinks he meant. But what he sounds like is "all those racist hicks out there just can't convince themselves to vote for a black guy."

Memo to politicians everywhere: Don't try to "explain" why the voters haven't picked you. Ever. To anybody. It's virtually impossible to do w/o sounding like a condescending jerk to all the people you're "explaining."

If you're winning without them, you have nothing to explain. If you're not winning unless you can get some of them to vote for you, yo udon't want to piss them off.
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