Because Allie said so.

Nov 15, 2004 18:38

Name: Jillian
Nicknames: None that ever want to remember...
Screen name(s): paranoidlemur1, fishtheman27
race: Caucasian/one with no rythmn
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 24, 1989
Height: short
Is your hair long or short: short
Eye Color:blue. plain, boring, blue
Location now: In my pajamas
parents: Debra and Ben
Siblings: Daniel and Emma

Who comes first in your life?: God
Do you have a job: yeah, school
What are you scared of?: The dark (sad but true)
Who's your role model(s): My great great great great? Grandma
Who's in your cd player right now?: I am boycotting the music industry
What store do you shop at the most:Wherever my mother drives me
Have you ever done any drugs: mmmmm, technically, yes. really, no. (me and that cough syrup man)
Do you collect anything?: shiny things

Day of the week: Saturday
In your room: My sihny box
Movies:LOrD OF THE RINGS!! And Whalerider, and anything with Gene Wilder, and the Incedibles
Band: I'm boycotting the music industry
Books: They are also sad but true. The Little Princess(Iread it once every year, beginning November 24th and ending December 1st) and others, but I can't think k of them right now. I like Diana Wynn Jones.
Ice Cream: Dulce de leche(caramel of Hagen Das)
Thing to do: write
Hangout: wherever my peeps are
Favorite pizza topping: sausage
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: In Uganda, opening my first hospital
How many kids do you want: 6-12 adopted, once I've done what I need to
Girl's names: Amie, Emma, Diane, Lynn, Amelia
Boy's names: Connor, Matthew, Joshua, Johnathan, Daniel, Benjamin

Sat through an entire Dawson's Creek episode:I've never even seen PART of an episode
Wished you were someone else?: At times, but then I remind myself that God doesn't make crap
Taken a black and white photo: sadly no
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: no, thanks for bringing up my incompetance...
Cried in public: Once
Held someones hand?: well, duh
Been in love?: sadly, no

Worst Feeling in the world: Rejection
Best feeling in the world: Love/Being Loved
Can you define love?: the time when everything is right, you, the person with you, everything, and it seemslike you're the only two people in the room, the only ones that matter, and everything seems as it should
Do you get along with your parents?: yeah, for the most part
Are you ticklish?: only to certain people. Emma:can't help myself, that girl can tickle me silly Meredith:death

[Fetish .]
1st things you notice about girls?: Hair
1st things you notice about boys?: Eyes
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: Josh

What do you wear to bed: Pajama pants und a really large shirt
What's your bed time: when my homeworks' done
Do you wish on stars: I used to every night, now I wish on trees
What do you like to do before you go to sleep?: pray
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep:pray
What time do you wake up?:4:00 am. It's a habit I can't break

Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer:yes...
Have you ever tried to kill yourself: no, my friends have, and I don't want them to hurt
Who do you really hate?: Laziness and Liars
What are you addicted to?: GOD, writing, coffeer
Do you wear a watch?: heavens, no. I enjoy asking people for the time
Did/Do you have braces?: nope
How many buddies do u have online right now?: 12
Who are they?: people from school, some that I still talk to after asking whether or not they lived on the yellow submarine...
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: there's a right way??
Out of all your friends & family,who do you think will become famous? Juniper
Do you sleep a lot?: HA, aha ha ha..wooo
Are you a night or morning person?:Morning
Who is the loudest person you know? wow, that's hard....DANIEL
Are you lefty or righty or ambidextrous?: Righty all the way
When was the last time you laughed really hard?: I dunno, probably in chambers. "Too skinny, not good for bearing sons(describing Josh Boker)"
How many rings before you answer the phone?:Two to three, unless I think it's important
Do you believe in God?: Surely, Shirley
Do you believe there is one person who is meant to be with you?: Yes, the man who loves sushi, has Del Monte, the hat dance ashis ring tone, has green eyes, hates peppermint, and tells me he loves me
What are your favorite tv show(s)? Joan of Arcadia
What colour toothbrush do you use: blue
What is under your bed: something that frightens me (we think it's growing)
How are your grades in school: Mostly As, some Bs
Do you believe in aliens? depends on how you look at it. I believe that there is a possibility for life on other planets, but I don't believe in little green men who are coming to take over the Earth
How much time do you spend online each week: Meh, can't count. It's going down, I think
Do you button or zip your jeans first? ZIPiddy do dah...
Does life rock or suck?: ROCKS!
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