(no subject)

Apr 10, 2005 03:56

Havent updated in a while.... So i filled this out cause i was bored!!

Last words you said: Get the fuck outta my room??
Last song you sang: "Lunacy Fringe"- The Used
Last song stuck in your head: "Okay"- Nivea Ft. Lil Jon and Youngbloodz

What's in your CD player: Alanis Morissette
What color socks are you wearing: None
What's under your bed: Nothing??
What's the weather like: Well it was hot, but now its kinda windy and chilly
What time did you wake up today: Ha! like 12:30 i am so funing lazy!!

[three words that sum you up]: Fun, Party Girl and Naught HaHa...
[jewelry worn daily]: Ear Rings
[coffee]: Eww! Coffees grossss!
[shoes]: Sandles, Converse
[clothing you have on]: Black "Soffee" Shorts Bathing Suit Top and Bottems and a Wife Beater.... I just got back from laying out tanning by the pool

[like candles]: Love em...
[like company]: Of Course
[believe in soul mates]: Sometimes....
[believe in love at first sight]: Not really...
[believe in forgiveness]: It kinda depends..In some, well most situations...
[want to get married]: Eventually....
[want to have kids]: Of course.... But when I am older obviously lol...
[ever want to adopt kids]: Dunno....

[cried]: Unfortunatly.... Yes!
[bought something]: Yup Yup!
[gotten sick]: Naw Dawgggg....
[sang]: Yess....
[been kissed]: nope :(
[felt stupid]: HaHa... Story of my life!
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: Love... No.... Like.. kinda already did.... I am not in love and never have been
[talked to an ex]: HaHa actually yeah last night i hung with an Ex for the first time in a while... ::BTW Jon thank you sooo much for last night! You helped me sooooo much!!::
[had a serious talk]: A few actually....
[missed someone]: It seems I am always missing someone!
[hugged someone]: yesss... I love hugs... But kisses are better!
[argued with a parent(s)]: Actually... No... and thats a HUGE accomplishment!

[best girl friend(s)]: Ashley, Lauren and Carly... I love you girls soo much! ::AJ and Carzz..... OMC for Lyfe!::
[best guy friend(s)]: Ricky, Justin and Juan-Ton! HeHe
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: Nope.... Relationships are wayyyy too complicated!
[hobbies]: Partying with the girls, hangin with the guys.... Dancing, Tanning and just hanging out!
[pager/cell]: Cellll Phone! Too bad my mom froze my account!! I get it back soon tho Ya'll!
[car you drive]: Ha me drive? I dont think sooo....
[job]: Um Counsler Cali- Camp this summer.... Starting in June!!! I cant wait!! Last summer was the best... and this summer will be even better... So many Cali- Camp memories!!
[attend church]: Sometimes.... and Temple sometimes too.. I kno weirdddd!
[like being around people]: Yeah, I would rather be around people but being alone is fine too!

[who is your role model]: My Cousin.... Well Kinda Aunt Vanessa!!
[pet peeves]: I have alot!
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you]: Yeah.. and i have!
[cried over the opposite sex]: Unfortunitly many times....
[your favorite physical appearance]: my eyes
[who do you really hate]: I dont hate anyone!! I am a lover... Not a hater! HaHa Yeahhhh Right!!!!!!!!!
[who's your most trustworthy family member]: Ummmmm..... My Cousin/ Aunt Vanessa..... But i dont see her that offten so no one really...

Anyway Comment people!! I miss everyone and I will be off grounding soon!! i Hope and Ya'll know what that means..... Party Time!!! And That you to Lauren and Ashley soooo much!! you girls have helped me so much latly with all my drama and Problems and confusion!! BFF!!!
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