Apr 04, 2007 12:09
so, last night in my dreams, i was on a bus on my way back to nyc with shahruk. at this little town, tarna i think it was called, somewhere between binghamton and new york, we ran into sinnae, who was with some friends from school and was driving home. but they were lost or something, and wanted to stay overnight at a motel, and i decided hey, that would be fun. so we pull over at this motel and get some rooms. at some point in the night, i don't really know what happened, i remember seeing the owners of the place taking all the luggage that people had left to be brought to their room and throwing it out. we got suspicious, and it was implied that these people were dangerous. then, out of nowhere WILLIAM SHATNER appears as if he's at the motel too and is trying to escape with us. we get into this car and people try shooting at us and shatner has a gun too and retaliates (sp?), and because i kept waking up and going back to sleep for like, 10 minutes, the dream just kind of kept going on, and it was one of those scary movie things where you just kind of have to make it through the night to survive. so anyway, we're in the car but we don't have a map or something, and have no idea where to go, how far away the next town is, etc. the next part i remember, it's morning, its sunny, everyone's happy and its like nothing happened the night before. my dad showed up to pick me up, and let me drive. but he wouldn't let me like, just sit in the car for a minute to get my bearings and adjust the mirrors and seat, and we almost crashed a couple times i think. it was weird.