(no subject)

Feb 23, 2007 10:50

i have gotten more done today before 11 am than i think i have like, in a long ass time.
and finally i'm able to enjoy my breakfast right now, it's good to like, actually do stuff with your time, although i'm really tired and will most likely be taking a nap very soon.

also, the book i'm reading right now decided last night to fall apart, it was on the verge for a long time, you could barely touch a page without the edges tearing or crumbling, and now, with only a few chapters left, the book has given me the annoying task of holding it together, trying not to let more pages fall out, and reading it all at the same time.

also, i went to the dr this morning, and found out i can get the hpv vaccine up here, and it strikes me that while, yes, it can prevent cancer, i feel like the bigger benefit is the prevention of hpv, honestly, who wants genital warts, and i'm sure many many more people have hpv than they do cervical cancer.
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