May 10, 2004 12:31
Isn't it funny how people you never instantly clicked with can turn out to be one of your bestest friends in the world.
Isn't it also funny how the people who go on and on and on and on about how moralistic and better than everyone they are, really aren't.
I love my life; it is a bad soap opera.
I just saw John from Sprawl in the street. It reminded me of the days when they used to play the community centre cos there weren't enough hc bands yet. I used to wear a backpack to every show even if I didn't have anything to carry. But I'd put a t-shirt or something in it so it didn't look empty.
My mate Andy is officially the rowdiest yet loveable drunk ever. The other night he looked me in the eye and poured a whole drink down the front of my top and cracked up laughing. I glared at him and he knew he'd taken things too far so he poured his whole drink down the front of his own top. Just when you think you understand someone...
I saw my great Aunty Mavis and my Granny yesterday for mothers day. They battled all day to see who could take out the title of most nuts. Aunty Mavis told the same story over and over while Granny showed me how to waltz. I was hungover so I drank a bottle or so of champagne just so I could deal with them.
Then all the oldies started telling lame jokes. It got to me and I couldn't think of one so I said a Dave Snow joke: "what's purple and tied up in my backyard?...It's my nigga I'll paint him any colour I want." No one laughed.
I think I'm getting tickets to KISS tomorrow night but I can't go cos we have band camp :(
Oh well, Fi can have em and I'll just make her my slave for a day.