Aug 11, 2005 23:40
save the memes for another day.
these are the times of toxin.
it's not something you want your teacher to see.
let him judge the man you still are
judge the attentive student,
pass him through.
even the punta can be dealt with.
how again, the stab, the punta?
he'll move to posta fontale but from where.
Which foot is forward?
Which his foot?
Where's his foot?
Left handed, right handed, this damning dyslexia.
Close your eyes.
Look at him.
his right foot is forward.
put your right foot forward too.
where's his sword?
he's in breve.
weak position.
mix up broadsword style
with rapier.
but he's fast.
and that point is sharp.
one chance.
move to porta di ferro mezzana destra.
invite the stab.
he's a passamento kind of guy.
he's going to bring his back foot forward.
he's going to attack left.
cover distance.
drive it right through you from the northeast.
gives you time, barry.
his back foot stirs.
the point slides forward.
inside or outside?
he's moving forward diagonal to my northeast,
taking me clockwise.
stabbing for the center from the 2 o'clock. front right.
more like fighting a cut from posta di donna sinestra.
defending from tutta porta di ferro is outside and crazy hard.
take him inside
advance northwest
continuing the clockwise circling,
meet him strong on his weak.
that's the ticket.
dente di chinghale to posta breve to posta longa?
posta di donna sinestra? too far to travel.
porto di ferro mezzana sinestra? why? shuffle feet,
waste time, give away my strategy.
he thinks i'm moving to meet him,
expecting the attack to come from the northwest.
so. porta di ferro mezzana destra.
solid. still. balanced.
but so easily mutated to dente di chianghale.
just a little dip in the blade, a shift of the hip.
inside or outside.
take him outside.
the blood's up.
let him think you're moving cressere north-east
to cover him early.
he starts arcing his stab to hit me northeast.
good. feint northeast with the head.
he's committed.
now the lightning little arc down
to dente di ciangale,
left foot passare northwest,
as my blade rises fast.
rebbatare to posta di donna and smash his face
with a slamming fendente back to denti?
cover him in on the cross
deflecting him slightly toward finestra
while sliding strong against his weak
and feed him the point.
and it's done.
I am congratulated.
given leave to advance.