Dec 02, 2010 17:45
i officially declare that there is something wrong with me. my memory is horrible, i'm becoming more and more dyslexic (whether that be from constant spell check or just me idk), I'm cold all the time, i can pretty much sleep anytime i want if i lay down or if i'm sitting, and my emotional responses to things has increased significantly.
I don't know if its neurobio that is getting to me but the more i study the brain, the more i notice things we study present in my life. now one may suggest that i couldn't possibly have a language disorder undiagnosed when i'm in a 400 level neurobio class. one may also note that if i would try to have a normal sleeping schedule this sleep problem wouldn't be so bad. I would beg to differ though. its gotten to the point where if i'm alone i'm going to fall asleep. 3 hours naps have become increasingly normal in my life. as far as the language thing goes if you study them, you find that there is a spectrum because each individual's brain is slightly different and if damaged or structured incorrectly, it again is going to be unique. I would be on the mild side of the spectrum due which I am happy about, but at the same time my issues are just present enough to be a constent annoyance. and forget story telling. that's horrid. however that could be linked to ADD, which i fully plan on trying to be evaluated for over christmas. (yeah, good timing, the end of my college education)
another problem that is basically limited to today is that my body feels extremely old. I am sitting on my bed as I type this because if i sit on my couch i hunch over and my back, shoulders, and/or neck will start to protest. so i have pillows against the wall to keep my back straighter and a pillow under my legs, behind my knees as to not lock them out and increase the damage in my already damaged joints. this may all be caused by dancing though, which i refuse to give up.
now maybe the emotion thing could be due to the messed up sleeping schedule, thus leaving me with imbalanced hormones and amplifying my emotional response to even the tiniest stimuli. songs on the radio that i can't specifically relate to, commercials, cheezy tv weddings have been making me exremely emotional. yes, i have cried during all of the above in the past few weeks. however its not just my sad feeling that have been amplified, I can have a brighter day by looking out the window and seeing an animal playing by the pond outside my apt, or a chipmunk walking around and not caring that i'm 5 ft away. I guess that is cool too. oh but don't mention death right now cuz that will for sure bring me down for a decent span of time.
guess it's time to get to work on something productive. can't wait for the semester to be done and to be able to have 3 weeks where i get to focus on me, my well being, and my future outside of academia.