2:35 am

Feb 11, 2019 02:56

I got bored of laying in bed.
I got my fat arse to the gym.
So far I have done ab work and a virtual Zumba class. Now I’m cycling.
The Zumba class was fun. Looked like a total plonker but hey no one is here to watch. The dude doing the class was funny as fuck.
I must say the music in this gym is actually quite good. I’m shocked!!!
I am yawning but I know I won’t be able to sleep. So hey might as well do the miles !!
On the bike I’ve put on the virtual bison thingy it’s making me feel sick. I hate heights and this thing is hanging me off the edge of high shit urg. I’m apparently somewhere in New Zealand. Ooo no now I’m in Germany!!! I am one quick biker! Lmao.
I’m not the only crae crae in the gym tho. There is this other dude on the weights.
Hopefully I can sneak back home before Lisa notices I’ve been out all night.
I might do another class after my bike ride up the Death Valley. Then go back to the weights. Idk. But I want to get as much done as possible.

It’s better this time of night as during the day and evening it’s packed. And I have to give the death stare when someone is on the bike. And no one likes that!

OMG I went on this stair thingy Jesus I thought I was going to die. Or fall off it. I was actually terrified.

I’m now riding on some main road and I think I’ve just run over this kid. Interesting!

When I do get home I need to clean the stupid bathrooms and kitchen and go over my room again.
I really wanna clean Lisa’s room but she will kill me. Apparently she likes to be in a mess. I personally call it a bomb Pit.

I still feel fucking sick. What’s the deal with that. Urg.

Oh great now I’m up some poxy mountain. I hate heights ffs.

Three miles down 32 to go!!!

I wonder when this dude is going to give up and go home!

I need to somehow get my meds but to do that I will have to go back to the frekkin dr and try and explain why after only three days I have run out.... hummmmm what lie can I tell. Crap. I am transparent when telling a lie. Seriously call me Casper. What the hell do I do?? I can’t really just go without meds. .... or can I??? Hummmmmmm.
I may stay at the gym till half six ish and then slow walk to the dr which will take about an hour or so then I can line up and have a same day appointment all the while trying to think up an excuse why I suddenly need more meds. Again. This will be the second time so I don’t think it’s going to be easy to lie. But hey hopefully it won’t be the same dr. Here’s praying!

Five miles.

God I’m going so slow. Urg. Lazy twatwaffle that I am. Urg.

I’m sending off my passport form tomorrow. Urg I hate forms. I really hate them. A lot.

Oooo man is leaving.
Oh no false alarm he is just going to over side. Ffs go home dude. Get some sleep!!!

This virtual thing has just rode me into a fucking railing. Wtf!

Anyway. I’m going to go hardcore and cycle faster and watch thinspo on YouTube as this virtual thing is making me feel sicker than I already do and now this man keeps popping on my screen and chatting weird shit.

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