Feb 06, 2019 21:42
So much for having a better nights sleep. I listened to the very loud rain all night which fyi was making more noise than my music that was playing!
I had just got in a comfy position and naturally I needed to pee. Again. Then I remembered my oh so great idea to drink lots to fill my stomach up. Great plan just not one to do at night. I was in and out of that frikkin toilet all through the night and stupid me didn’t notice till six am that the reason was prob cause after I used the water closet I carried on drinking my bottle of water!!! I’m beyond smart not!
At one point I was going to happily take my pillow and just stay parked on the toilet. The only time I seemed to be able to sleep was when I needed to pee. Not kidding.
Anyway my alarm went off at 7:45 I was awake of course and I turned it off. I then decide I can sleep. Wtf. Lucky I get a text at 8:30 thank fuck as I had to get to the dr for 9:30.
Well the dr was pointless. And very annoying.
Luckily I had my special cup thing flask to have my coffee with me as I had no time to sit at home and have it.
Dr blablabla did my blood pressure and wouldn’t even let me know what it was. Okee weirdo. Then said I was due my smear. I declined. I was then told I have declined for the last god knows how long. I was like yeah and I’ll keep declining. Till I’m ready.
Anyway I then got told blood test results which well whatever. I don’t care. Fuck them.
I’ll just have to advoid having a blood test again as long as I can. Then naturally dr blablabla asks me to step on scales. I of course said no. I got the stare telling me I was being difficult. Oh well such is life. Deal with it!
Anyway I got home to pick up my Mac and make another take away coffee and went into town as someone has been playing theif with my sweetner. Urg.
Gave my Mac to the repair dude and then after refilling my coffee up at Costa I got the shock of the day. Wtf. Small world or what! I went to speak to the main lady who is the wife of the dude to fix my mac and guess what. She says “I know you” errr ok I’m drawing a blank
She was only one of the nurses on the ward I was on the other night. The one where they were convinced I was on drugs and drink due to the overdose of pills I took that no one knew of. Great. Then it hit me. I have thinspo as my background on my Mac and I have pics and diary’s and WhatsApp and shit all about eating on this Mac. In the hospital I wouldn’t be weighed I wouldn’t have their meals and I wouldn’t let them take my sugar levels. They also had my notes on their screens. So me spending the two days denying it all and acting my best was great. Until his nurse is now going to be unlocking all my Mac which stupid me gave all the passwords for. This was not going to be easy to explain. I mean it’s embarrassing enough for any random joe to see my background on my desktop. But this nurse. Fucking great. Typical.
Anyway I left it with her and made my way to my other appointment
I apparently have the bladder capacity of a nat and even tho I’m about to pee my pants I still drink more. As you do.
I used the gym toilet near my meeting twice then when in got more coffee I asked for the toilet and the dude replied “the box is out there”. Before I could stop myself I said “box...as in litter?” He didn’t know what to say to that so I looked at this box and thought fuck that! And I went back to the gym!
Oh yeah this meeting I had. Not held in a room noooooo my luck. She took me into the building cafe! Lots of people were eating. Urg. It was a mess. Urg. And then she kindly offered me yum Yums and some chocolate. Luckily I was chewing gum and just politely declined ! And pretty much got out of the meeting ASAP.
I was correct. The nurse/computer fixer knew.
I couldn’t even look directly at her and pretty much ran off as soon as I could.
But hey I cleaned for a bit and re installed all the stuff from I cloud back on my Mac. And then I did all my washing yay!!!
Now I’m just at the gym. So far I’ve done 9 miles but I’ve only been here for half hour so the fact it’s so little is not me being lazy it’s cause I have only just got here.
Since sleep is being a twat waffle again I prob be here for a while. It’s better than being at home lying in bed bored and not burning kcals. At least I’m being productive here.
I really need to pee. Again. Ffs