Jan 18, 2006 17:19
So today was my first day back at work. The time seemed to fly right on by. I only had one class today, and a quiz for my online class. I did okay on the quiz, had some trouble finding the class. I made sure to check the building and room number just a few moments before leaving for class. I went all the way over the liberal art's building, and waited in front of the class room for other people to arrive...just to make sure again that I was in the right place at the right time. To no avail I waited, untill I decided to ask somebody down the hall for help. They told me that I should double check my schedule...which I never got around to printing out. Why? Because reguardless i'm more likely to loose a sheet of paper than I am to forget the place I have it written down for me online. Besides, i've looked it over so many times it's now engrained in my brain. So I run back to the library to check my class times and locations on soar. And *bum bum buhnahh* I was in the right place, at the right time..for once. But apparantly, the class had been moved. *grumble* So I had to use my dum dum freebie "miss class, cause you're a dumbass" card. As far as all the other classes go, i'm in the A of the OK. So I guess i'll just have to allow myself to make a scatterbrained mistake from time to time, cause that's what K-La's do BEST!!! *bounces off*