Jun 21, 2008 23:23
My mother and Doc are in town for the weekend, and they brought lil daisy. (their dog) The social rituals of dogs are interesting.
Penny and Daisy have a very interesting relationship.
Daisy has refind the art of hard to get. She prances around just to get Penny's attention and when she has the attention she seem to have wanted she will slip into her cage, or will growl. When penny is not following her around though daisy will seek her out. Daisy acts all independent like she dont give a fuck, but she is eating it up. Truthfully she even brings it on herself, its actually seems that its what daisy really wants.
Ive never seen a dog so in love with another dog as Penny is with Daisy. All penny wants to do is lick daisys face, its constant. She follows daisy around, watches what she does, always wants to be around daisy and play with her. She just generally loves being around her so it seems.
But here in lies the problem...
Pennys undying love is fucking annoying.
Constant face licking being that its constant has nothing special or nice about it. Shit gets old dawg. Suffocating ass bitch.
I am sure daisy would really enjoy penny if she wasnt constantly dare i say obsessing. Its possible.
Several times the last few days I have found myself yelling at Penny to "TAKE THE FUCKING HINT!"
and if i listen really hard i can almost hear "Practice what you preach" under her little doggy breath.
But then again she does eat dried worms, shits and pisses sometimes in the house sometimes not, picks up food i drop and licks my feet. So she might just be fucking dumb too.