Dec 04, 2006 00:23
so i had a great weekend.the christmas concert went really well and it seemed like everyone liked our singing. so that was good.
got to hang out with sophie like, every frickin day this weekend. AWESOME!! we went bowling on saturday, i got a couple of strikes, and then i went to sophies best friends house to sleep and have beverage. great times.
so driving back from sophies friends house,i noticed that there was a sort of burning smell that started around the flint exits on I-69. so we get to the morrish rd exit and i look in the back seat and there is SMOKE COMING OUT FROM UNDER THE SEAT!!! and, wanting to stay cool as a cucumber, i said "sophie darling, there seems to be smoke emerging from the backseat. we should remain calm while engaging the hazard lights and pull over on the side of the road."
what i really said was "theres that smell again." ::looks around:: "um..."::looks in backseat::"SHIT WE'VE GOT SMOKE! pull over!"
so about 2 milliseconds later, a guy and his wife pull up behind us and ask us if we need help. so we accept and i pop the hood as we open all the car doors to get rid of the smoke. he looks at the engine and about the same time i notice it, he says "righto, you chaps have a leak in your oil line" as he goes around to the rear drivers side door to have a look at the seat. as hes clearing stuff out from under the seat, i notice a bottle of a very well known "warming massage gel" sitting on the floor of the car. as i see this, i try REALLY hard to stifle my slowly erupting laughter as he fishes around under the seat, clearly avoiding the bottle. soon after, he says "righto, you should take 'er in to 'ave-a-look." and we're like "totally will, cuz we dont feel like dyin. and then hes like,"need any more help?" and we're like "nope we're good" and off we go. so that was our adventure for the day.