Tiger Boy Update on Supplies...

Aug 19, 2010 22:40

For anyone interested..

So Tiger Boy started Culinary 241A and of course came home with a list. If anyone has a spare to give or would be willing to gift him with coin to buy or a new item please let me know. He needs what's on this list by Monday if not sooner.

Culinary 241A Equipment List
1.Chefs Knife
2.Paring Knife
3.Serrated Blade Knife
4.Boning Knife
5.Fruit Zester or hand held plane grater
6.Melon Bailer
7.Vegetable Peeler (He needs a Y Peeler)
8.220 degree instant read pocket thermometer
9.Needle nose pliers or fish tweezers
10.Set of measuring spoons
11.Black Sharpie marking pen
12.Pocket Notebook
13 Ring Binder with dividers
14.Pocket Calculator

Uniform List
1. 3 ea Chef Coats with department logo insignia (has 1)
----- Has ONE from Last Semester
----- One has been Promised

2. 1 ea Black CC Culinary Hat

3. 2 ea Checked or Black Cooks' Pants
----- Has ONE from last Semester

4. Black, Leather, Non-Slip Shoes (no tennis Shoes)
----- Last Semesters still work but he's going to need larger ones soon Size 13

5. 3 ea 4 way, bib or French Aprons

6. 12 Clean white or white/striped kitchen towels

2)Student code is: CCC
3)Then make sure you go back to the Student Uniforms Page if your ordering more than one item.

Text Book List
1. Professional Cooking 7th edition by Wayne Gisslen (ISBN 0-470-19752-8)
2. Webster's New World Dictionary of Culinary Terms/Arts by Labensky

EDITED: italicize are items that have been offered, but not sure yet how they are reaching him.

Thank you to everyone who's offered items, checked to see if you have spare or out right bought something. He may still be missing a few items come Monday but he'll have most of what he needs, even if not as many as they would like him to have.