So, in prep for my comps on Friday, Mario was questioning me on Theory of Mind. When he asked me to talk about some previous experiments that had been conducted to demonstrate ToM, and to explain why I felt they did not adequately address the issue, I started
rambling like the vice presidential candidate on one of her TV interviews!
It was funny, because at the time, I couldn't figure out who I was reminding myself of, and it came to me in a flash at 3am this morning when I woke up, panicking (again).
I know these studies cold! But when I get gets ugly....
So I've decided I'm just going to throw in a couple "yah knows" and "I'm a maverick!" and "I can see Russia from my front porch!" if things go downhill on Friday. I figure it will lighten the mood.
Also: just a side note about the debates last night: it was like watching nerds slap fighting. Srsly.