So, I'm crawling out of bed, for the first time in a week (in a month, really) ::insert super-hero montage music here:: and things are looking up. Oh sure, I look like SHIT, and I don't feel all that great, but I can stand for more than 10 minutes without needing to take a 3 hour recovery nap, so I think things are going well.
I do some work from home, sleep a few hours, work some more from home, and BAM, e-mail from Mom.
My sweet, lovely, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly, magnificent step-father, who turns 60 in 2 days, who has worked for his law firm for 8 years was just given 2 weeks notice. This afternoon.
What fucking shitheads! These guys (the bosses) have been stringing along my stepdad for years now. Dickhead (Calano) initially told Eddie (my dad) that he was going to make him partner after a year or two, when he then hired fucknutz Culhane instead and made him partner. Culhane immediately started emotionally and verbally abusing Eddie, actually calling him things like "stupid" and "dumb" for not knowing how to type (he took classes and learned this year--he's from a different era, they had secretaries for those things when he started in the biz! And he's totally not chauvenistic, he's just a little wary of technology, but he worked really hard to learn to type, and even got e-mail over the last 2 years!!!)
Beyond all this, he's a fucking good lawyer. Eddie is a good fucking lawyer. Gawddamnit, he is. This is bullshit. He's careful, thorough, clever, and he really cares about his clients. But fucking Culhane has got some vendetta against Eddie--has from the very beginning. It's like watching some sort of nature show, gorillas in the fucking mist, only Eddie is too sweet to play the game. It is so unfair. Why can't I just be allowed to sweep in, kick everyone's ass, and let Eddie get back to work?
Anyway, back to the story, it's been a really bad scene for years now; we've been begging Eddie to find another job because we can't stand the idea of those two being so abusive towards him on such a regular basis, but he never did. He didn't document the abuse either, we don't know why.... We're pretty sure they've fired him in order to hire someone that is younger and cheaper, but even if he wanted to take up an age-discrimination case, it would be difficult to prove.
Anyway, my point is IM OUTRAGED. Not suprised, but OUTRAGED. How dare they treat my Eddie like that!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're so fucking lucky I'm stuck in the midwest. Fucking bitches.
I mean, its so awful, its almost cliched!!! People write bad fiction characters like them! If I wrote evil characters like this, my high school English teacher would have said that they weren't believable because they were too 2-dimensional, that no one would be so callous as to fire someone over the holidays, right before their 60th birthday. She would tell me to make them more interesting!!
Fucking dickhead shitfucks. Send them hate mail. (No, don't really, I was just kidding. But definitely don't use them.)