Why am I even awake at the ridiculous hour of 09:43 (and I got up at 08:27 what is wrong with my life). Especially considering that I've slept an average of five hours a night these last days? Right, because stress makes you distracted and you managed to lock yourself out of your apartment and had to go from
lanjelin's to the parents. Preferably before they leave for the airport and you can't get in there either...
Moving on!
First I shall have to cut for
The acting was all brilliant in this!
And, considering that 3/4 of the viewing company was half dead with severe sleep deprivation when we watched it yesterday, I am actually very grateful that it wasn't a tangled, intricate Moff-plot. Just fast paced scary fun pepper with wonderful emotions - I loved the Doctor in this, my heart went out to him. And the TARDIS, even in the short time we got to hear her verbalize her feelings (because she has been talking to the Doctor for years) was brilliant! Of course a TARDIS doesn't think in linear time, of course the Doctor always has her, OF COURSE HE'S HER STOLEN DOCTOR AND THEY ARE MARRIEDMARRIEDMARRIED
My inner geek is also making content noises about the bits of canon and confirmation on fan theories we got (Time Lord sex is fluid! The call-backs to old Who! Squeee!) and I'm not even fannishly producing anything in Who-fandom!
I need to watch this ep again with subs, I couldn't really hear all the words some time and it was really, really a lovely episode. This one and the pirate ep (which I still haven't watched) can be my post-BLYG reward for myself
Then Eurovision, which we just caught the tail-end of. Third place, go us!* Victory for Azerbadjan, most heartfelt congratulations <3 I really know nothing of that country, so I hope I'll learn a bit (even if it's bound to be very fluffy) when the media spotlight goes to them next year. And the winning artists looked so damn happy that was very sweet.
But I thought the male commenter for SVT made a rather grumpy comment just at the end (can't recall the exact wording now). "Ogin" is the word in Swedish I think of which I just felt was uncalled for. They won, look at them being all teary with joy, and at least little ego-boy Sade brought us a third place (so please stop sending pale blond slips of women without scene presence it won't work. And, as good as our opera singer could sing, a Eurovision winner needs a refrain you can hum along with which her song did not contain)
* In Sweden, Eurovision is very
srz bznz We also had an epic planning, scheduling and brainstorming session for BLYG yesterday, that might deserve a post of its own. We've got a pretty packed con, if I may say so myself and there's like 2 areas which we haven't added any info on yet *_*
Oh, right, and I fixed stuff for the apartment with my future tenants. And also got some much-needed cleaning done, yayness
In conclusion: The intense and lovely
SPX weekend was followed by a most dismal and week I wish wouldn't have existed - on all levels, really. Fails heaping up with organizing stuff, lack of time and energy to study, family drama and even work sucked in more ways than one. And now, spiffy weekend again. Since it's a bit more low-key than last week, that makes me hope that if the pattern holds, any potential suck of the comming work week will also be less intense. Please?
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