So today I rushed from work, late because I miss counted, and of course the trains were thus also late (sometimes, I am so epically fail it hurts) But at least I managed to reach about half of the rethorics seminar I'd been looking forward to since I saw it some weeks ago.
The title was
FAN(G)S: Fan's fictions about the vampires of popular culture and it was held by Maria Lindgren and Malin Isaksson of Umeå university. I went to the Textual Poachers symposium that they was hosted at Umeå and it was, hands down, one of the most interesting and stimulating days in my life. The internet is a great tool for communicating, but actually talking to enthusiastic, knowledgeable people? Nothing beats that
Anyway, the part I heard of todays seminar was quite interesting and the discussion afterwards was also very interesting. I really know very little of fandom tropes in Twilight fandom, which was one of the main focuses, but they seem fascinatingly different in some ways - while at the same time clearly being a fandom among others, with ships and slash and canon-affirmative vs canon-protesting writing.
And! So super cool (and proving how small Sweden is) I met Anna of
The Swedish Shortsnouts, one of the more successful wizard rock bands here! It was great talking to her and hear about this entire world of RL-Harry Potter fandomness that I more or less managed to miss even though it took place in my own country.
Then to celebrate (or something idk) I sat down to re-read a bunch of my favorite
Katie Forsythe stories. She writes classic Sherlock Holmes and she does it exquisitly well. It hurts to read these stories sometimes, but they're so brilliant that even the pain goes beautiful.
Originally posted at