Malmö Aviation vs SJ = Tree-killer airplane FTW

Jan 09, 2011 22:18

So. I have nown flown to Gothenburg, evil planet-murdering self that I am. This...

- Cost less than the train
- Arrived exactly on time, both flights
- Takes about half the time compared to the rapid train
- Served me a free sandwich and a coffee on the way down, and coffee and completely edible muffin on the way up. I am looking at YOU, train cafeteria which usually runs out of (expensive) food a bit after Skövde, and my look is full of disappoint
- Did not require me to have my ID (!) As opposed to bleeding SJ, which now demands that I book with full names and might then demand to check ID. Ok if it's just me, but oh so annoying when I (to take a totally random example) book several tickets months/weeks ahead for karaoke club purposes., nature. Can I barter 1-2 flights to Gothenburg a year against a lack of car, TV and a new clothing budget of less than 300 SEK a month? Because clearly, our trains need to shape up if they want me to grace them with my presence at any trip that costs more than 95 SEK. Especially now that I've realized how easy it is to get to Bromma airport

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.

decisions decisions, rl: travel, rl: life in general

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