I am not a handy person. In fact, I will happily leave everything re fixing and repairing my home in the capable hands of my carpenters. Only trouble is, that first I have to find said capable carpenters.
But I have decided that I shall have
iris flowers in my garden. We have some out in the cottage and if they can survive there, they ought to be able to live through most everything
Have also read books. Finally finished the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy, with Woken Furies by Richard Morgan. I like his ultra-violence, the nano-charged sf-noir enviroment and even the über-cool and shallow badass characters that populate his stories. Though I was considerably less impressed with his fantasy series, maybe because I have a hard time taking sword and sorcery badassitude seriously...
Anyway, the only thing I really dislike about his books are the overwrought and, honestly, awful sex-scenes. Maybe fandom has spoiled me, but dude, there are a thousand ways to write rought, gritty sex and do it better than Morgan manages. Stick to action and cynical social commentary, plz
Anyway, Woken Furies wasn't the best Kovacs book - I actually prefered the first one, Altered Carbon to both the sequels when it came to storyline - but it's a decent sf thriller. The enviroment, Harlan's World, is dangerous, not too exotic and connected to a country I descend from (Hungary) and a country I am nerdy about (Japan) which makes for an amusing linguistic mixture.
So, not bad if you want dirty sf, but I would give either the stand-alone books Market Forces or Black Man (reading that one now) a try before buying a whole series of Morgan's books. He's definitely not for everyone and the portraita of women in most of his stuff is... not the worst I've read in sf, not by long, but too often repetitive and cliché.
And sometimes, you're just in the mood for a fast-paced book with a lot of shooting, cool tech and cooler one-liners. At least I can be, and there, Morgan more than delivers