Or not actually the commuter train, but the so-called express train to Gothenburg. Ahahaha. Pretty quick, when it actually rolls, yes.
Actually I was watching Sherlock Holmes on the comp, but if I've paid for 30 minutes of internet time I'll damn well use it.
*rolls thumbs* For... something? I've been so out of it online lately that I don't really know what's going on.
Yuletide is up, of course, and never have I been more grateful for living in Sweden than when I realized that they quite killed Archive of our own during the american times - but on, say, day-after-christmas morning when one wakes up in the empty house and can stay in bed and read fantabulous fics for small fandoms? with some christmas porridge and no loading troubles at all? why, thank you, time-zones
I've also read some spiffing books lately - Stein und Flöte was a really interesting experience, beautiful language (I'll offer to read it loud to everyone who says that German always sounds harsh), such an interesting usage of the fantasy, or more correctly fairy-tale tropes and a very beautiful story. I'll have to re-read it in a year or two, to sink into it again.
But first I have to get over my desire to hit the main character over the head for he could be quite thick-headed
Ohh, right, webcomics! I've got like two months to catch up with ^^
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