Nothing Lay Between Master Post

May 15, 2010 21:13

Note Dec. 2010: I'm officially labeling this fic "unfinished," and it probably won't be updated in the near future. If you're curious as to how it may have ended, read the original prompt, as we intended to follow it rather closely.

Again, thanks to everyone who read it, especially those who commented! Sorry it had to stop like this.


►1 (pre-Kirk/Spock, PG-13)
►2 (pre-Kirk/Spock, PG-13)
►3 (pre-Kirk/Spock, PG-13)
►4 (Pike/Spock, NC-17)
►5 (pre-Kirk/Spock, PG-13)
►6 (pre-Kirk/Spock, R)
►7 (pre-Kirk/Spock, R)

Note (May 15 2010):
Hey guys! dancing_mercury here. Sorry for letting the series stop for a while: the combined efforts of organic chemistry and vector calculus sapped all of my higher-level creativity, especially when it came to Chapter 8. It was/is a difficult chapter to write for me, but with a long summer coming up in less than a week, I'll definitely have more time to focus on it. :)

Don't think we haven't been reading the comments you guys have been dropping us over the last several months. They're all super encouraging, and hopefully we can put all those fuzzy feelings towards some writing! ♥ Thanks again for reading NLB!

unfinished, nothing lay between

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