Title: Nothing Lay Between (1/?)
salvaged_pride and
Fandom: Star Trek (XI)
Characters/Pairings: eventual Kirk/Spock, random cameos of the entire bridge crew, mentioned ?/Spock
POV: Spock's, but the chapters will alternate with Kirk's.
Rating: PG-13 for now
Words: 6.289
Summary: Kirk receives a reward for killing the man who massacred the Vulcans.
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I love how Spock was looking forward to a comfortable retirement in an expensive penthouse in Shi'Kahr; that way he gets to be even more resentful. I'm evil.
Ha, I also love that Spock though Uhura looked rather beautiful, if fierce, because I <3 Uhura. So damn much. I like how she recognized the word so knew what was going on before everyone else.
I loved Bones. I always love Bones, but in particular I liked Spock trying to judge Bones' "power"; I think someone in Spock's position would be highly aware of power dynamics--and be trying to see who he could manipulate, or should manipulate. Poor Spock!
I love he was thinking about wave-particle duality the entire time. Poor Spock--again!
I love Spock being so geeky. He really is, and I think you get to see it pretty often on TOS when he gets really interested in some new species or other, but you don't often get to see him get down into the science of it, so it will be fun to see him in a lab.
I'm so glad you guys are writing this, and so glad you're making it long, and so obviously thoughtful. I can't wait to see what happens. I'm friending you to keep track!
Bless you for picking up that horrible 'Kirk is in an arranged marriage/master/slave relationship/non-cons thing with Spock' meme and making it good.
Hmm, maybe it really isn't a horrible meme, it's just that it spawns a LOT of horrible fanfic.
Yeah, my take is that no meme is a horrible meme. No premise is really crack, either. Most of my favorite fics have been crack premises someone took a good, hard look at and made real. I find this true with a lot of profic too, actually; I mean Gabriel Garcia Marquez has a part in his book where a man gets stalked to death by butterflies.
Also, totally feel you on the geekdom: I was reading up on M-theory the other day to play Spock in a roleplay. *headdesk* which I believe should be changed to *headconsole*
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