I love the governent

May 02, 2005 21:18

I mean, they are the ones I'm begging for money for college. But, damn. I applied for FAFSA, and I did it old school, with paper and pencil. So, I get an e-mail telling me to look over what they have, and correct anything that needs correcting. At the time I filled out the papers, Scott and I were (are) still only technically separated- not divorced. So, I filled out the tax return part the same way it was all written on the IRS forms. We filed jointly, so all the stuff is joint (income, gross income, sktuff like that). They are telling me that I have to correct the numbers so that they only reflect my income, rather than the combined. Now, on the one hand, this is good, because I made less than him, and I have a child, so I will probably be eligible for funding. But it is such a pain in the butt... we filed jointly, we aren't yet divorced, so wouldn't they be optomistic and have the numbers be the same as if we were still together? Or, is everyone so convinced that if you are separated, you will ultimately be divorced, that they take that stance, and then if the couple does reunite, they are giving people money who may not need it, if say the person applying was Bill Gate's wife, but she didn't put his info..... damn, I'm rambling agian.
I don't know, it just kinda frustrates me. And, since I filed paper and not electronically, I had to apply for a PIN that is essentially my signature. But, I have to wait for three to five days for it. That makes me kinda pissy, because I want to get it done and finished, so that I can start planning. At the same time, it gives me a chance to figure out the numbers, rather than trying to do it while filling everything out. ARG. Sometimes, I feel like my own over analysis works against me.
PS. If anyone actually understood what I just wrote, kudos to you!
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