There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.
*headdesk* I should post more often...and read my flist from time to time. I am teh sux0r I know.
Since the last time I updated I...
-had fun at my brother's bar mitzvah, the DJ played "Name That Musical" and my table won, then we got to dance (well jump up and down) on the dance floor covered in bubble wrap. Are you jealous or what? I'm going to have to do that all the time now. Picures to come once we get them from the photographer.
-decided to run for student council with Natalya, for Students Organizing and Promoting School Spirit...or I think that's what it stands for.
-was volunteered to run for Vice President with Natalya instead, oh Bob.
-went to get contacts but instead got eye drops put in my eyes that made me more blind then I already am. Seriously. I thought a giant white sign was the moon.
-made peanut butter cookies with Michelle in appropriate shapes.
-got motivated to open and read the first chapter of my driving book, then I fell asleep and forgot everything.
-cried at the season finale of Gilmore Girls.
-asked my mom about going to Benji's graduation. Oh how I loathe the words "we'll see" bah!
-took really pretty pictures of the flowers in my front yard. I suffered for these pictures for I am woefully allergic to trees and other cool things like people's pets.
-am half way done reading Wicked and I'm dying for someone to talk about it with. Has anyone read the book and see the play? I need to compare and contrast!! *hugs inner nerd*
Actually my mum got them for me for my brithday but OMB YAYAY!!!
In rocks oh ya! *dances*
<3 The Decider