People who throw kisses are mighty hopelessly lazy.
IT’S MARCH BREAK!! OMBAYA!! No school for a miraculous 10... er 9…more days. Even the weather is celebrating it seems. Today while sitting on Boom Boom’s couch watching Related I happened to look outside to see her dog lying on the porch in the sun looking fabulously comfortable. I sent Boom Boom out to see what was going on, and she sort of stood there blinking up at the sun before turning around to me to whisper, “Its spring.” Then we both went out and ballroom danced, barefoot, in the sun.
It’s funny that now that everything’s coming out of hibernation I seem to be going into it. I’ve been storing up food in my tummy even, for the past week I’ve had not one, not two, but three lunches a day! It’s amazing if you ask me because my mum would make me lunch, then I would buy French fries or something from the cafeteria, and then the guys at my co-op placement would buy me food from Wendy’s. I rather hope I’m not going through a growth spurt or something, I quite like my height as it is.
Have I told you all about co-op? It’s like an internship in university except well, in high school. You get placed at a job and then go there and work instead of going to classes. I’m at a photography studio, but I don’t really actually take the pictures it’s more about editing them and making wedding videos and stuff. It’s pretty cool the pictures are really beautiful, but when I’m editing them after about an hour I get thought in my head that people should never get married so I wouldn’t have to deal with looking at them all day :P
Here you can look at some of the photos. Only three guys work there, the guy who owns the place, and two guys who work there. The other day one of the guys went out to buy me my third lunch and then we all sat around watching Curb Your Enthusiasm on the computer. It’s a very productive place, really.
Oh crap! *headdesk* I just remembered that I forgot to hand in my sheets for my courses for next year! I was supposed to do it Monday but I was on my Outdoor Ed field trip, and then I think Friday was the last day…well it’s not like they can actually not give me any classes yet. In truth I still don’t know what I want.
I’ve narrowed it down to 11, but I’m only allowed to have 8 yikes!
Writers Craft
Canadian and World Politics
Visual Arts
Communications Technology (Photography)
Interior Design
Philosophy: Questions and Theory
World History: The West and the World
Studies in Literature
Challenge and Change in Society
Plays of a Modern Era
And I’ve also had a rather strong desire to take Musical Theatre, but I’m managed to talk myself out of it on the grounds that a) I can’t act b) I can’t sing and c) the teacher who teaches the class scares me. So now it’s a matter of the rational side of my brain fighting it out with my desire to sing Rent all day become a Broadway star!
Anyways my goals for March break, aside from sleeping:
1) Finish reading Memoirs of a Geisha (did you know they aren’t actually memoirs?! I was horrified, horrified I tell you!)
2) Write short story for contest who’s deadline probably already past
3) Finish sketches for art
4) Buy art supplies and paint sculpture
5) Paint shoes with same art supplies
6) Clean room?
Well I think I’m done rambling for now, good night my dears!