Picspam, makes a tasty treat!

Jan 07, 2006 23:33

Art consists of limitation.  The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.

Well dudes and dudets, ‘tis that time once again…*drumroll* It’s picspam time!!

I can just see the looks of excitement on each of your faces now.

So we started off our trip the way most people do, we got on a plane. Mind you we were in line for LA, but you know close enough. Now as a person who generally isn't too fond of planes, and as a person who can get quite claustrophobic, the plane was much much too small. Gal (with his new meterosexual haircut) couldn't even stand with out hitting his head. You know there's just something that doesn't bode well about hurtling through the air at great speeds in something that small.

I had never seen a plane that small...until I saw the one for our connecting flight, at the first one had room for two aisles with two seats in them, this one had two seats on one side and only one on the other. Hyla and Leah;

The view was nice though.

Two 25 minute flights later (not joking) we arrive at the airport, first...well second to Benji, Jess and Noami. Anyways we are forced to wait around for hours so naturally we all run to get food. Lee, Leah, Joel and I have the dignity not to stop at the first place we see, which just so happens to be the living definition of America (ugly with bad lighting  and hamburgers :P). So we’re in this nice(ish) place trying to decide what to eat from the selection of, salad, salad, and you guessed it, salad. I made the unfortunate accident of asking the woman who worked there if they accepted Canadian money, you know considering we’re in an international airport, but of course they don’t. The woman, now with the knowledge of our disability home country, says, in the thickest southern accent I've ever heard, “Why don’t y'all go on down the hall, it might be more your speed, they got some French fries, with some gravy, and they’ll go and melt some cheese on it for you all.”

We just stood there blinking at her for a good few seconds before we realise that she just tried to make us feel “at home” by recommending poutine to us poor confused Canadians…It’s a shame she didn’t have anything tasty to feed my pet beaver.

Anyways, people finally arrive and I wind up having a completely unnecessary, but oh so persistent, nervy spaz. A bus ride and a lot of Rent songs later, we arrive at the motel thingy. Uninteresting stuff happens and insert pretty picture of Sarah, Lee and Dafna here.

Actually I'm done with lengthy chronological explanations...for now. Feel free to look up my nose in this ridiculously intense close up of Benji and I.

Josh and Marni fall asleep... HOLDING HANDS *love*

It was Christmas on the second night we were there, so like the good little Jews we are, we decorated.

And of course what is Chirstmas with out a little carolling?

And we can't forget Santa!

We met tons of hilarious people in the group older then us. Lee and I met Leo for the first time when he was showing us these huge blisters on his fingers (which I of course immedietly took pictures of).

He then suggested that perhaps I get pictures of the person to whom these blisters were attached.

Josh has an obssession with my lovely jacket. He would come up to me and tell me I looked sexy in it, too which I replied that it was the jacket, not me, and that any one to wear it would too be the owner of great curves. So he tried it on...and I was right, not sure if that's a good thing though. He wore it the rest of the night and gave it back to me the next morning as a present, all hung up and some how a lot nicer looking then when I gave it to him.

I actually spent the greater part of the week there with Josh, he's the sweetest person ever, what with tucking me into bed. He is also the kind of person who talks really softly and puts his hand on the small of your back when you're talking.

Not to mention that he never wear shoes and his school had to make a rule about it specifically for him. And you all know that this is the greatest shirt ever.

Also spent a lot of time with H-Pot (yes that does stand for Harry Potter, his real name is...*struggles* David, I think). He's hilarious, and you wouldn't know this but he also have impossibly soft hair, I'm telling you it's like water.

We skipped one of our activities to lay on couches napping and making dirty jokes. We also had a peeing race...he won, but I would have if I could have found toilet paper.

Then there's Max, who normally looks pretty macho and you think "Oh dear God no." but he's actually pretty quite and funny in his own way. He also happens to be in love with Eleanor, which is adorable. She wasn't there and he randomly turned to me and said, "I know this is kind of random, but I just don't think it will be the same with out her here."

There was a table that was remarkably always filled with tea and coffee (can you say dream come true?). Max had a tendency to drink cold tea with much too much sugar, a concoction he called Grandpa Juice, he would walk into a room very quite and then sit there giggling to himself and vibrating slightly.

Then of course there is the lovely Dafna, whose name I'm probably spelling wrong. Anyhow, at the airport when I unexplainably turned to jelloid she was the only whom I didn't feel nervous around.

I loved that I became infinetly closer with Leah. Would show you a(nother, see way above) picture of her, but she moved at the last second and instead I have a nice one of Shia. Of course this picture is much funnier then the one I would have had otherwise.

Now I'm just looking for good pictures, here's Sarah and Aaron asleep infront of the fireplace.

One super great thing about all the people I was there with is that I can completely trust all of them, so much that I even left my camera laying around pretty much everywhere and not only would it be exactly where I left it, there would be tons of hilarious pictures on it as well. For example, who is this guy?

Now I'm pretty much just stalling with fun pictures so you'll have to wait to get to the sunset ones. Me, Josh and Marni;

6 of us napped like that for a while, apperently comfortably too. See if you can find all 6!

While we were supposed to be paying attention to speeches for an election of sorts, I had fun playing with the demon cup and watching it attack Nate. When it came to voting I of course made an informed desicion and went with the "eeny meeny miney moe" technique.

Um right, I've realized I have a slide show movie maker thing, so as soon as it's done freezing you'll all get to see all of my picutres put to cheesy music! Do not lie, I hear you cheering.

In the mean time...

Come on, is that not the most remarkable thing you've ever seen?

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