Moving On...

Jul 02, 2012 16:30

Wow, I haven't posted here in...well, a really long time.

Anyway, I'm sure no one has really missed me, but in case anyone does still watch this journal, here's a heads up.

I have moved to Dreamwidth! After Livejournal did their new site changes and all that junk this past December or whenever it was, it kind of really made things stupidly difficult for the LJRP scene. And since that's really all I used LJ for anyway, I felt no remorse in heading over there with all of my games and friends.

So as of this past January or whenever I left, this journal is no longer being used. I'm not deleting it because I might still occasionally need to use it for something, but for the most part, it's going to be quiet and collecting cobwebs some more.

However, if you want to still follow me over at DW, I'm here!  I've also ported all my posts (with the exception of a few really personal or silly things), so it's essentially still the same journal, but in a new location.

But if you don't, then it was a pleasure being here and knowing you guys.  And who knows, maybe we'll meet again somewhere!

Much love,


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