Thanks Life, I Didn't Need That

Feb 09, 2011 20:42

So my laptop charger has been acting up on me for the past few days.  It hasn't been charging, though it's been plugged in, and so I'd have to wiggle it around to make it find a spot where it WOULD charge.  Which was okay, I could get used to it if it stayed stable.

Yeah, you can all guess how stable it stayed.

So tonight while eating dinner (my family doesn't eat in the dining room, but in the living room, whatever, it's what we do) I noticed that my laptop wasn't charging.  At all.  No matter how much I twisted and turned the cord and tried whatever contortionist tricks I could think of.

Not.  A.  Drop.  Of.  Juice.

Naturally, I got pissed.  And some of you have heard my ranting and...yeah, let's leave it there.  I like to curse.

So my laptop is currently dead because the charger is dead or something and I am stuck on my mom's desktop which I'm terrified I will kill again because I am notorious for finding ways to stick viruses onto computers.

The rents ordered another cord that should be here by next week and I really, seriously hope that's the problem.  There's a part of me that's worried it's the port on my computer and not the charger.

This just sucks.  I was in a fic-writing groove and legit trying to get my Snow app done for hellpointe  before Friday and had my proofreading work done so I could take a guilt-free break and do fun stuff that I love to do.  And then this happens.

I really hope things turn around before the next event at adstringendum  because I am SO looking forward to it.

Just...sigh.  FML.

fanfic, fml, adstringendum, real life, fic

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